eFolix SARL التطبيقات

F de la passion 1.0.0
eFolix SARL
Lili & Lala sont deux sœurs passionnéesparla mode depuis leur plus jeune âge… Elles ont donc fondé lamarqueéponyme qui propose des vêtements modernes et tendances.Cette application est réservée aux revendeurs.Contacter la société F DE LA PASSION au 01 48 11 98 07.Lala & Lili aretwosisters passionate about fashion from a very young age ...Theytherefore founded the eponymous brand which offers modernclothesand trends.This application is for resellers.Contact the company at F PASSION 01 48 11 98 07.
Florence bags 1.0.0
eFolix SARL
Tutti i nostri articoli sono prodotti conpelli italiane ed esotiche di altissima qualità realizzate nelrispetto dell'ambiente. Ogni articolo è corredato da certificato digaranzia e serial number per identificare il prodotto. Tutte lepelli usate provengono da animali italiani,conciate al vegetale etamponate a mano, ovvero ogni pelle viene sfumata con un tampone,rendendo ogni articolo diverso da un altro. Le pelli provengonodalle concerie di Ponte a Egola e Santa Croce sull'Arno checonciano le pelli fin dall'anno 1000, dove a Firenze gli antichiartigiani già la usavano per fare prodotti di loro necessità. Poiabili artigiani italiani, veri e propri maestri del settore,lavorano a mano ogni singola borsa con la massima cura edattenzione, mettendo un'infinita passione in ogni fase dellalavorazione, dalla scelta dei materiali fino all'opera dirifinitura della borsa stessa, garantendo così a tutti i clientidei veri e propri capolavori di indiscussa qualità italiana, mentrele pelli esotiche sono importate e lavorate da primarie aziendeconciarie toscane che hanno come obiettivo primario la produzionedi pellame esotico per la manifattura artigianale di articoli inpelle più' esclusivi e pregiati, un mix di tecnologia ed esperienzapermette di ottenere l'eccellenza in ogni fase di produzioneAll our products are madewith Italian and exotic skins of the highest quality produced in anenvironmentally. Each item comes with a warranty and serial numberto identify the product. All skins used are from Italian animal,vegetable tanned and buffered by hand, or each skin is softenedwith a buffer, making each article different from another. Theskins come from the tanneries of Ponte a Egola and Santa Crocesull'Arno that tan skins since the year 1000, in Florence, wherethe ancient craftsmen have used it to make products for theirneeds. Then skilled Italian artisans, real masters of the industry,working by hand every single bag with the utmost care andattention, putting an endless passion into every stage ofproduction, from the choice of materials to the work of finishingthe bag itself, thus ensuring all customers of the truemasterpieces of Italian undisputed quality, while exotic skins areimported and processed from primary Tuscan tanneries that have astheir primary objective the production of exotic leather for thecraftsmanship of articles in more 'exclusive leather and fine, amix of technology and experience allows you to achieve excellencein every stage of production
Toxik3 B to B 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
Toxik3 is knowledge of the universe depu jeans ...
巴黎23药妆 1.0.1
eFolix SARL
Parapharmacie 23 est une entreprisespécialiséedans la vente en détails des produits de santé et debeauté, situéeà Aubervilliers.Grâce aux compétences du personnel ( Pharmaciens ayant denombreusesannées d expérience ), nous assurons le bonfonctionnement dumagasin, des conseils de qualité et garantissonsdes prixattractifs.Si vous avez besoin, n'hésitez pas à télécharger notreapplicationgratuite pour voir et commander nos produits.Drugstore 23 is acompanyspecialized in the sale details of health and beautyproducts,located in Aubervilliers.Thanks to the skills of the staff (Pharmacists have many yearsofexperience), we ensure the smooth operation of the store,qualityadvice and guarantee attractive prices.If you need, please feel free to download our free applicationtoview and order our products.
Grossiste-privé 1.0.1
eFolix SARL
Distribution de vêtements de qualité aprixincomparable et sans colisage pour les détaillants.Avec notre application vous retrouverez tout le monde de lamode:• Achetez-en toute sécurité• Soyez informé de toutes les nouveautés par le biaisd’unenotification ou d’un email• Le shopping n’aura jamais été aussi simple avec : un filtrepourles catégories, suivi de commande, service client• Une livraison sous 48 heuresQUI SOMMES NOUS ?Fabricant et grossiste de prêt‐à‐porter, spécialisé danslaconception et la distribution de vêtements. Le rapportqualité/prixdes produits que nous proposons est exceptionnel, vousêtes face àun fabricant-grossiste, vous retrouverez sur notreapplication toustypes d'habillements féminins et enfants : robe,tunique, top,doudoune, pantalon, etc. Ainsi que des chaussures etaccessoires demode en provenance des grossistes en prêt-à-portersur Paris 2èmeet Aubervilliers CIFA-Fashion.Les dernières nouveautés sont proposées directementsurl’application afin de garder la fraicheur de cette espace pourlesprofessionnels de la mode qui cherche sans cesse cesderniersarticlesINSCRIPTIONPour accéder aux ventes il est nécessaire d’être membre.L’inscription est totalement gratuite et sans engagement. Pouravoirvos identifiants il vous suffit de nous contacter via notrepageFacebook (laklook) ou site internet (laklook.fr).Nous nous engageons à ne divulguer en aucun cas vosinformationspersonnelles à des tiers sans votre accord préalable,et ce parquelque moyen et sur quelque support que ce soit.A très vite !qualityclothingdistribution has incomparable prices and packingforretailers.With our application you will find all the fashion world:• Buy safely• Be informed of all the news through a notification or email• The shopping has never been easier with: a filter forcategories,order tracking, customer service• A 48-hour deliveryWHO ARE WE ?Manufacturer and wholesaler of ready-to-wear, specializes inthedesign and distribution of clothing. The price / quality ratioofthe products we offer is exceptional, you are dealing withamanufacturer-wholesaler, you will find on our application alltypesof women's clothing and children: dress, tunic, top, jacket,pants,etc. As well as shoes and accessories from wholesalersfashionready-to-wear Paris on 2nd and AubervilliersCIFA-Fashion.The latest news are available directly to the application inorderto keep the freshness of this space for fashion professionalswhoconstantly seeks these itemsREGISTRATIONTo access the sales you need to be a member.Registration is completely free and without obligation. To haveyourpassword you can simply contact us via our Facebook page(laklook)or website (laklook.fr).We will not disclose any of your personal information tothirdparties without your permission, and by any means and on anymediumwhatsoever.See you soon !
Wish By Anjee 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
Wish By Anjee is an online viewing and ordering tool for ...
Sonrisa 1.0.1
eFolix SARL
Conoce la nueva APP de tutiendaonline“SONRISA” puertollano. Podrás acceder a todonuestrosproductos desde cualquier sitio en tu movil o tablet .Nuestratienda online contara con fotografías actualizadas ydetalladaspara que sepas en todo momento que estas comprando.No esperes mas y descárgate ya la app para movil y tablet.Empiezaacomprar de forma sencilla y con total confianza.Meet the new APP foryouronline shop "SMILE" puertollano. You can access all ourproductsfrom anywhere on your mobile or tablet. Our online storewillfeature updated and detailed pictures so you know at all timesthatyou are buying.Do not wait any longer and download the app and mobileandtablet.Empieza to buy easily and with confidence.
MC 1.1.1
eFolix SARL
MicroMagasin est une application mobile, permettant de gérer plusefficacement votre réseau de distribution. Fidéliser les anciensclients, prospecter les nouveaux clients, MicroMagaisn vousapportera plus d'opportunité de développement en vous simplifiantla gestion au quotidien. Une solution clé en main pour vivre plussereinement la passion de la mode…
Articles de Paris 1.0.4
eFolix SARL
La marque Articles de Paris, leaderdesaccessoires de mode en France, vous propose ses lignes deproduitsdesign et irrésistibles : sacs, bijoux, foulards,chapeaux,ceintures, chaussures…. Des nouveautés chaque semaine etdesaccessoires à la pointe de la tendance. Rejoignez aujourd'huilesmilliers de partenaires qui nous font confiance partout danslemonde. Application destinée aux acheteurs professionnels delamode.The brand'sarticlesParis, the leading fashion accessories in France, offersits linesof design and compelling products: bags, jewelry, scarves,hats,belts, shoes .... Novelties every week and accessories attheforefront of the trend. Join today thousands of partners whotrustus everywhere. Application for professional buyersoffashion.
DIX ONZE 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
DIX ONZE is an online viewing and ordering tool for our ...
YVES ENZO 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
YVES ENZO is an online viewing and ordering tool for our ...
JL 2.29.10
eFolix SARL
J & L is a wholesaler for all women.
ZAC&ZOE 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
ZAC & ZOE is an online viewing and ordering tool for ourcustomers.
VIC BEE 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
VIC BEE is a professional app for the world of fashion, it allowsthe visualization ...
L émotion 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
Emotion is an online visualization and ordering tool for our ...
bellicy 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
bellicy is an online viewing and ordering tool for our customers.
Sth Cool 2.17.13
eFolix SARL
Something Cool stuffs mixed here. Sth Cool APP is an online viewingand ordering tool APP for our professional fashion customers.Customers can request an authorization within the APP. Afterapproval of the request, they will be able to see our productinformation and place online orders.
C'M paris 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
C \ 'M paris is an online viewing and ordering tool for our ...
eFolix SARL
SAW URBANITY is an online viewing and ordering tool APP for ourprofessional ...
eFolix SARL
Girlhood is a shoe brand for women
Allen&Jo 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
ALLEN & JO, wholesaler of ready-to-wear for women. Reservedapplication excluded ...
eFolix SARL
BON BON is a professional app for the world of fashion, it allowsyou to view ...
eFolix SARL
GOWIN is an online visualization and ordering tool for ourcustomers.
KILKY 2.26.3
eFolix SARL
KILKY is a French brand of women's ready-to-wear ...
Goldendays 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
Goldendays is an online viewing and ordering tool for our ...
POMPOM By morado 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
POMPOM By morado is an online viewing and ordering tool APP for ourprofessio ...
THEKorner 2.20.6
eFolix SARL
The Korner is a young mid-range women's ready-to-wear brand ...
eFolix SARL
CASABLANCA è un app professionale per il mondo della moda, permettela visualizzazione del catalogo con pochi semplici passaggi. Inuovi utenti possono fare la richiesta di registrazione gratuitadirettamente dall'applicazione, una volta che la richiesta vieneaccettata, il cliente potra' visualizzare tramite l'app tutte leinformazioni sui prodotti ed effettuare gli ordini. CASABLANCA èun’applicazione professionale e gratuita per il mondo della moda.Con pochi e semplici passaggi gli utenti potranno effettuare laregistrazione. Dopodiché attraverso l’app è possibile visualizzaretutte le informazioni sui e prodotti ed effettuare ordini. Scopri eacquista le ultime tendenze di moda, nel mondo delle scarpe, dove equando vuoi con l’app gratuita di Casablanca! Torna sulla nostraapp gratuita ogni giorno per aggiornamenti e offerte sui nuovitrend. Seguici anche su Facebook e Instagram! Facebook - CASABLANCAProfilo Aziendale CASABLANCA, fondata nel 2016, è una societàspecializzata nel commercio all’ingrosso di scarpe e accessori.Locata nel centro di Roma COMMERCITY, CASABLANCA conta di una vastagamma di clientela, partendo da grandi rivenditori e grossisti, siaEuropei che Extraeuropei, fino a piccoli imprenditori e negozi didettaglio. Affermatasi già nella vendita diretta al cliente, lanostra società sta crescendo rapidamente anche nell’ambito onlineper stare a passo con la tecnologia e per seguire al meglio lenuove necessità dei nostri clienti. CASABLANCA fondata sui cardinidel “CRQ”, “Creatività, Responsabilità, Qualità”, sta sempre alpasso con la moda offrendo il meglio dei prodotticontemporaneamente mantenendo il miglior rapporto qualità-prezzo.Con uno staff forte, efficiente e la volontà di emergere semprepiù, cercheremo di crescere costantemente non-stop! CASABLANCA is aprofessional and free application for the fashion world. With a fewsimple steps, users will be able to register. Then through the appyou can view all the information on products and place orders.Discover and buy the latest fashion trends, in the world of shoes,wherever and whenever you want with the free Casablanca app! Goback to our free app every day for updates and offers on newtrends. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram too! - CASABLANCACompany profile CASABLANCA, founded in 2016, is a wholesale companyspecializing in women’s shoes and accessories. Located in thecenter of Rome’s COMMERCITY, CASABLANCA has a wide range ofcustomers, from large retailers and wholesalers, both European andnon-European, to small business owners and retail stores. Havingalready established itself in direct sales to the customer, ourcompany is also growing rapidly in the online sphere to keep upwith technology and to better follow the new needs of ourcustomers. CASABLANCA founded on the cornerstones of the "CRQ","Creativity, Responsibility, Quality", is always in step withfashion by offering the best of products at the same timemaintaining the best prices. With a strong, efficient staff and awillingness to emerge more and more, we will try to constantly growfurthermore! CASABLANCA是时尚界的免费专业应用程软件。 只需几个简单的步骤,用户就可以注册。然后,通过该应用软件,您可以查看有关产品的所有信息并下订单。使用免费的Casablanca应用程序,随时随地发现并购买鞋世界中的最新时尚趋势!每天返回我们的免费应用程序以获取最新趋势的更新和优惠。 在Facebook和Instagram上也可以关注我们! -CASABLANCA 公司介绍 CASABLANCA成立于2016年,是一家主营女式鞋和饰品的批发公司。CASABLANCA位于罗马COMMERCITY商业中心,拥有广泛的客户,从欧洲和非欧洲的大型零售商和批发商到小型企业主和零售店。我们已经建立了直接向客户销售的业务,因此我们也正在上线模式迅速发展,以紧跟技术发展并更好地满足客户的新需求。CASABLANCA立足于“ CRQ”的基础,即“创造力,责任感,质量”,通过提供最好的产品同时保持最优惠的价格始终与时尚保持同步。拥有高效的员工队伍以及不断壮大的意愿,我们将努力不断发展!
STEPHY 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
stephy, wholesaler ready to wear man woman, grosssite marseille
Belloclock 2.22.10
eFolix SARL
Belloclock is an online viewing and ordering tool for our ...
Place du jour 2.11.9
eFolix SARL
Place du jour est un outil de visualisation et de commande enlignedestiné à nos clients professionnels de la mode. Leursclientspeuvent demander une autorisation d'accès dansl’application. Aprèsla validation de la demande, ils auront accès àtous les articleset pourront passer commande à distance. Dansl’univers du denim etimprimé féminine, Place du jour met en avantla qualité dans laconfection de ses collections ; où les couleurs,les design et lesmatières se mélangent et s’équilibre avecdélicatesse.
So kitsch 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
The company Lilydressing so kitsch trade name broadcasts
Black Industry 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
Black Industry is an online visualization and ordering tool for ...
White House Laleli 2.22.10
eFolix SARL
White House Laleli is an online viewing and ordering tool APP forour profess ...
Kylie crazy 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
Kylie has invested heavily in the sporty chic rampaging.
eFolix SARL
SONI FASHION is a professional app for the world of fashion, itallows the visual ...
MEGA KAM 2.29.4
eFolix SARL
MEGA KAM is an online viewing and ordering tool for our ...
Eighteen 2.15.4
eFolix SARL
See U Soon est une marque qui suit les tendances pour un<>,la marque vous présente les tenues précisément étudié pourcréer ceunivers facile, les petits détails donnent l’ADN etainsirevisitent les basics en les rendant mode et actuel.
eFolix SARL
Discover the Copperose universe in this app dedicated toprofessionals (B2B).
Tricotonic 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
Tricotonic is a wholesaler of ready-to-wear women who exports tothe world.
DOLVIKA 2.22.10
eFolix SARL
DOLVIKA is an online viewing and ordering tool for our customers.
ZAYNE 2.29.4
eFolix SARL
ZAYNE is an online viewing and ordering tool for our customers ...
Misskoo 2.33.6
eFolix SARL
Misskoo is an online viewing and ordering tool for our customers.
kikkimio 2.29.10
eFolix SARL
Anna Sciarpe is a professional app for the world of fashion, itallows you to view ...
MC Gérant 2.19.36
eFolix SARL
MC App is a stock management solution that has been designed tomeetthe needs of suppliers, wholesalers, and brands. Ourfieldexperience has given rise to a management tool perfectlyadapted tofashion professionals, it supports wholesalers andsuppliers intheir stock management, order taking and customerrelations.Optimize your sales with the sales solution, advancedsalesrepresentative management, and remote sales. Indeed yourcustomers,shop managers, e-commerce site buyers or semi-wholesalerscan visityour warehouse to make purchases and stock supply but withMC Appthey have the possibility to buy and stock themselvesthroughdistance selling. Thanks to MC App and the MC applicationmanagingit, you have complete management of your articles, yourcustomers'stocks but also your cash flow MC app is a portablemanagementsoftware that makes it easy for you to manage yourbusiness. MCManager is intended for the manager for the completemanagement ofthe business. It is the stock management applicationthat managesyour company's back office: product management, stockmanagement,and inventory management, as well as salesrepresentatives andcustomer relations management. In addition, MCManager provides adetailed overview of physical and remote salesorder intake. Italso has the possibility of managing cash flow andanticipatingsupplies. The advantage of MC Manager, managementsoftware is tooptimize your business. The challenge for any manageris to findthe right balance between stock supply and stockrotation. With MCManager you have the possibility to follow theevolution of stocksin real-time, to follow the accounting, toanalyze by articles thesales performance and to see the purchasesby the customer. MCManager is THE management software that alsomasters the other MCApp applications. Thus MC Manager manages theaccess rights ofthese sellers, sales representatives, and salesrepresentatives.With MC Manager you analyze the sales history andperformance ofyour salespeople. Each sale is integrated into the MCManagersoftware, and you can carefully track each customer:purchasepreference, frequency of visits and financial status inyour books.Monitoring and analysis of sales performance areimportant to setnew objectives. In addition, you can manage theturnover of yoursalespeople, sales representatives and salesrepresentatives withgreater peace of mind. Sales history andcustomer data are onlyaccessible to your salespeople by the rightof access thanks to MCManager. Finally, you are constantly informedof cash flows.Because controlling your cash flow means above allanticipatingexpenses and receipts. MC Manager accompanies youthroughout yourcommercial career and guarantees you control andclean andprofessional management of your business. MC App is acompletemanagement software: products, stock, inventories, physicalsales,remote sales, treasury, procurement, and customers arecentralizedin this portable solution accessible to all. MC Appoffers oneapplication per business line: MC Seller is theapplication forsales. Your salespeople, salespeople, salesrepresentatives caneasily place an order and close a sale at anytime and in anyplace. Stocks are synchronized in real-time: ordersare placed withcomplete peace of mind. MS Manager, the applicationfor managingyour online store for your distribution network.Customerrelationship management, customer access to your onlinestore andonline order taking. You also manage the layout anddisplay of youronline store's items. MicroStore is your onlinestore for yourdistribution network. Online sales solution thatfacilitates thereplenishment and purchase of your customers, storemanagers. Withbetter visibility of your products and simplifiedinventorymanagement from MC App: your distance selling process ismadeeasier. All these applications are interconnected andsynchronizedin real-time, know more in mc.app
eFolix SARL
ANOUSHKA is an online viewing and ordering tool for our ...
LaBottineSouriante 2.29.8
eFolix SARL
LaBottineSouriante is an online viewing and ordering tool for ...
T.L MARIAGE 2.22.7
eFolix SARL
Place an order quickly and easily TL APP
eFolix SARL
L'application FRILIVIN est notre outil de visualisation et decommande en lig...
eFolix SARL
ENZO DI CAPRI Creator of masculine.La quality fashion at the bestprice.